Dependency injection on Android

This is the first part of a write up about Dagger 2 on Android.

Dagger 2

Dagger 2 is a dependency injection framework for Java built on the JSR 330 standard. It works in all Java projects but this article will focus on Android development where Dagger is de facto standard for dependency injection.

The latest version, Dagger 2, is developed by Google together with Square, the original developers of Dagger.

Dagger 2 works at compile time in comparison to


Add Prism.js code highlighting to Ghost

Prism.js is a wonderful little javascript library for highlighting code at runtime. It support various themes + a ton of languages and is really easy to implement in Ghost.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
  printf("Hello world\n");
  return 0;


All you have to do is go to and build a version that suits you and upload the css and javascript files into your theme assets folder. And finally add them to the code injection settings in Ghost.

<!-- Add the css in the header -->
<link href="/assets/